
Enhanced reliability,
scalability, and
performance on
your cloud.

Most businesses have come to realize that they are losing out by holding
on to legacy systems that come with high costs and complicated compliance.
While moving to the cloud is a great step forward, the process of migration
is often complex and can result in performance and reliability issues.

A cloud-first approach to migrating existing workloads to the cloud helps to
achieve improved performance, lower and more visible costs, scalability
and flexibility, and stronger security. All coming together to deliver
enhanced customer experience and tangible improvements to business
competitiveness in today’s digitally driven world.


Identification of how many apps
need to be migrated, who uses
them and how often, what tech
stacks they use, and their


Determining the appropriate
migration path for each
application based on factors such
as security, scalability, business
growth plans and so on

Planning & Pilot

Alignment of the Assessment to a
work plan for the overall cloud
migration, running pilot migrations
to reduce risk, and finalizing the
cloud architecture

Migration & Testing

Mobilizing the planned Application
Migration processes, tools and
teams to meet your specific
requirements and objectives


Launching your cloud applications,
providing support, performing
post-migration reviews, and
decommissioning of certain apps,
as required


Continuous improvement of
performance, security, and
compliance on the cloud
environment to ensure maximum
value realization

The CloudNow Advantage

We develop cloud-first architecture for containerized, microservices-based applications that thrive on
cloud-based IT environments. Our experienced cloud architects help ensure reliable, and future-ready
migrations that get you to market faster, and help you stay ahead on the cloud.


Process-oriented approach and cross-platform capabilities across
all major public cloud providers, ensuring reliable and optimal
performance while migrating to any platform


Demonstrated ability to lower operational costs through
identification of the right strategy for migration, while optimizing
applications to perform in their new cloud environments


Hands-on experience of handling over
450+ migrations with minimal to NO
business interruption


Expertise in big data, cloud computing, and machine
learning, among other subjects, to handle a breadth of
migration workloads